Community-Based Monitoring

Fresh Eyes on Ice is centered around a network of Community-based Monitoring Teams (CBMTs) in communities across interior, western, and northern Alaska. CBMTs are made up of local scientists teamed with a teacher and their classroom students in each community. CBMTs collect ice data and share their findings with other members of their community to promote ice safety and environmental awareness.

Scroll down to see our workshop website links, view our ice learning resources, view CBMT data or enter new data 

access archived data

CBMT Workshops and Events

Ice Learning Resources

Our Ice Learning page has a comprehensive set of resources, but here are a few to get you started:

Protocol Videos


Ice Lesson Plans

This series of lesson plans was designed to provide an interdisciplinary, standards-based way for educators to embed the Fresh Eyes on Ice program into their classrooms or youth groups. The lessons begin with establishing the personal and cultural relevance of ice through storytelling and listening to Elders, and progress through making ice and snow observations and comparing data from across the sites.

Data and Observations from CBMTs

View CBMT data

Community Data Entry Form